Small Business Grant Program
In Honor of B.J. Howard
The Small Business Grant Program in Honor of B.J. Howard was launched in 2020 to offer financial support to accredited small businesses who had been financially impacted by the March 2020 Middle Tennessee Tornadoes, COVID-19 pandemic, and the floods in 2021.
Because of the overwhelming response of applicants and their stories of loss and heartbreak, we have decided to continue the support to help accredited small businesses who have been impacted by the continuing economic instability and natural disasters.
We know that small businesses are the backbone of our American economy. Their strong threads weave through our nation, tying communities together, and without them, we all suffer. It’s these businesses that have supported BBB services for over a century, so being able to give back in a time of crucial need is an honor.

Applications Opening Soon
Eligibility & Criteria
There is no doubt, small businesses are the heart of our communities. During these uncertain times, many of these businesses have faced financial challenges.
BBB Integrity Foundation serving Middle TN and Southern KY is proud to launch The Small Business Grant Program in Honor of B.J. Howard, a program that offers financial support for accredited small businesses who have been financially impacted due to catastrophic events.
We know that businesses are the backbone of our American economy. Their strong threads weave through our nation, tying communities together, and without them, we all suffer. It’s these businesses that have supported BBB services for over a century, so being able to give back in a time of crucial need is an honor.
The Small Business Grant Program in Honor of B.J. Howard is open to all for-profit businesses located within the Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky BBB Service Area.
Classify as a small business - 25 employees or less
Small business must operate in the BBB Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky service area
Must be in good standing with BBB (B rating or higher) and have earned Accreditation
Has financially suffered due to a catastrophic event.
Who was B.J. Howard?
B.J. Howard was a prominent business leader throughout our community and served as one of BBB Middle TN and Southern KY’s Board of Directors. As a business consultant, B.J. dedicated his life to helping small businesses and the owners achieve their highest potential. As a business and civic leader in our region, he was always in search of ways to help others by volunteering his business services to many small businesses throughout our region during the pandemic. We are honored to offer this grant program in honor of B.J. Howard.
Frequently Asked Questions
Currently The Small Business Grant Program in Honor of B.J. Howard is open to any accredited small businesses that are in good standing with BBB. This allows BBB to speed up the allocations of funds to those businesses desperately in need without typical grant processes like background checks and other formalities.
The business must have 25 employees or less.
Grant program award recipients must operate in the BBB Middle Tennessee and Southern Kentucky service area.
Unfortunately, nonprofit organizations will not be eligible at this time.
At this time, recipients will receive awards in the amount of up to $1,500. We are actively seeking corporate partners and donors to allow us to offer more grants in the future. If you are interested in becoming a matching donor or making a personal contribution, please visit our donation page here or email us at IntegrityFoundation@gobbb.org.
If your company is selected to receive a grant, you will privately receive a notification via email and phone. Once you accept your award, you will receive a check by mail within the month.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us at IntegrityFoundation@gobbb.org.